Conversions between types in Solidity
Explanation about how Solidity will implicitly or explicitly convert between data types
Table of Contents for Conversions between types in Solidity
There are quite a few data types in Solidity, and it is often useful to convert between them (such as a uint8
to a uint160
. Sometimes it can be automatically converted, sometimes you have to be explicit and tell the compiler how you want to convert between the types.
Implicit conversions
- Automatic conversions, done by the compiler.
- Can do this when there is no loss of data, for example a
can be automatically converted touint32
- Cannot do this when there might be loss of data. For example a
cannot be automatically converted touint8
. - Cannot convert between signed/not signed automatically (cannot go from
for example).
Explicit conversions
You can use explicit conversion, and even if you will lose data it will still convert.
For example you can go from a uint256
to uint8
. The first 248 bits will be discarded (the higher order bits are removed from the left side).
If you convert to a larger type, it gets 0
padded on the left (e.g. going from uint8
-> uint256
). This is the same as what happens implicitly.
If you try and convert between signed numbers, it will do the conversion but keep the twos-compliment bit.
int256 signedValue = -10;
uint256 unsignedValue = uint256(signedValue); // if you output this, as a uint256 it comes out at 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639926 (due to the flipped bit for negative from the `int256`
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